Rabu, 17 Oktober 2012

Surprise Milad ku yang ke 15 dari Sahabat dan teman - teman gadgets

W/ Putri dan Novia

Hehehe , lilinnya berangka dua karena di kelas ada teman yang miladnya sama denganku

Ini nih yang milad nya sama denganku

Hari berikutnya merayakan milad bersama gadgets

W/ Bunda, Guru Bahasa Indonesia

Senin, 18 Juni 2012

Be a 'New Student' In SMA Negeri 1 Tanjungpinang

Senin, 18 Juni 2012
Hari ini adalah hari yang sangat aku nantikan ,
Setelah seminggu yang lalu mengikuti test , hari ini penentuan utk siswa baru smansa ..
Aku berniat untuk melanjutkan pendidikan yang lebih tinggi di tingkat SMA yaitu SMA Negeri 1 RSBI Tanjungpinang.
SMA Negeri 1 Tanjungpinang merupakan salah satu sekolah favorit di Provinsi Kepulauan Riau yang mana sekolah ini telah berakreditasi A . Sekolah ini pun telah melahirkan segudang prestasi yang diraih oleh siswa sekolahnya yang kreatif, bertalenta, dan selalu inovatif baik dalam bidang akademik maupun non akademik.
Maka dari itu aku berniat untuk bersekolah disini, selain untuk menuntut ilmu, mendapatkan teman baru, aku juga ingin mengasah bakat dan minat ku disekolah ini untuk meraih prestasi.
Aku ingin membahagiakan kedua orang tuaku dengan ini ,
Setelah mengikuti ujian demi ujian ,akhirnya aku lolos:D
Aku ingin mempersembahkan kelulusanku kepada kedua orang tuaku tercinta 'khususnya' Mama .. :')

Minggu, 27 Mei 2012


Dear My dad ..
I'm so grateful that I have you as a Dad.
Thanks for always believing in me.
Thanks for all the support that you have given to me.
Happy birthday to my favorite Daddy.
Thank you for being a kind and caring Father.
I love you so much Dad.
Happy Birthday To my hero.
When I grow up, I want to be just like you.
I'm so glad that God gave me a father like you.
It's truly a blessing to have you as a father.
Happy Birthday Dad.You are the best Dad in the world.

Kamis, 24 Mei 2012

My Family :********

Adik Imah, Adik sepupuku Ridha, Adikku Syawal . Ini di Apartemen SwissBell Batam
Di depan Asrama Haji . Jemput nenek yang baru pulang dri tanah suci :))
Adik Imah Juara 1 Lomba bercerita. Congratulation for you my dear :')

Acara Khataman Qur'an :)

Rabu, 23 Mei 2012

Should I Confess :'( ~ english ..

I looked into the sky aimlessly .. :(

Again, today i looked into the sky aimlessly ..
I tried to draw your face slowly ..
Your lips, your eyes are so lovely today ..
I tell my self that i need to forget you ..
I keep telling my self that can't see you anymore ..
But you're the only one for me :')

It can't be anyone else will you accept my heart now .. 

Should i tell you that i love you ?? :'(

*Should i tell you that i love you ???
Do you know how i feel when i look you everyday ??
If you stay by my side i don't want anything else will you just stay my side ??
Should i try to run to you ..
I want to know how you feel about me ..
that's the only thing i need ..
I can't imagine day without you ..
Will you accept my feeling for you ??

I try to remember everything that you did for me in the past ..
Do you know how i feel when i look you everyday ??
If you stay by my side , i don't want anything else ...
Will you please stay by my side and protect me ??

The cold looks you always gave me, and the way you used to talk to me ..
They don't matter to me anymore ..
Will you tell me how you feel about me ??
I love you , i love you more than anyone else in the world if you give into this love ..
I won't except anything else ..
You're enough for me ..
Should i find the courage to confess to you ??
I need to know , how you feel about me right now ..
I don't desire anyone else ..
I can't live one day without you ..
I only one person ..
The person I Love You ..

I Love You .. :')

Kuchh Kuchh Hota Hai - Piano/Violin